Puppy Shopping List


Food: Your puppy will be sent home on Diamond Naturals Small Breed Puppy Food. You can keep him/her on that food or change them to another high-quality food of your choice.

Bed: Medium size crate with a divider (this is if you are crate training your dog) – If you don’t want to go this route, make sure you have a way to contain your dog when you aren’t home.

Bedding: Whatever you want to use, keep in mind that puppies like to chew and what you get might become a big chew toy! You can also use towels that are easier to wash if there is an accident.

Treats: Pupperoni treats, broken into small pieces, Oinkies (pig skin twists), Beef or pork chips, antlers, bully sticks, etc. They also LOVE ice cubes! Try to stay away from rawhide chews, they aren’t good for dogs and can upset their digestive systems.

Toys: They love stuffed animals, big and small and squeaky toys that aren’t too hard.

Potty Training: Puppy pads are very helpful to start training in the car/traveling. It is also important to start crate training immediately and limiting the amount of space your puppy has. You can also bell train by attaching a bell to your door and train the dog to ring the bell when he/she needs to go outside (many Pomsky owners have good luck with this system).

Grooming Equipment: We recommend a rake brush, there are many good brands out there.

Miscellaneous: Collar/Harness – Most likely size small; Leash; Plastic crate for car; Bowls for food and water; “Nature’s Miracle” enzyme spray for accidents – get it at any pet store, it is AMAZING! Baby Wipes – to clean puppy in case of a mess, puppy shampoo (you can also use tear free baby shampoo)

*We also recommend talking to your vet at the first appointment (needs to be within 3 days of receipt of puppy if possible) about flea control and heartworm medication.

Puppy Pick-Up/Flight Information List

If you are flying to pick up your puppy, here is a suggested list of items to bring with you.

1. Medium sized airline approved soft sided pet carrier – message me for suggestions, if needed.

2. A few puppy pads and a towel in the bottom of your carrier.

3. Children’s Dramamine – they can have ½-2 tablets, depending on size of puppy.

4. Harness and a leash

5. Baby Wipes – to clean up messes, along with a few gallon sized Ziploc bags to put messy things in.

Also, if the puppy makes a mess in the carrier – be prepared to throw away the towel at the bottom! It is worth the cost of the towel, trust me. A few hand towels, instead of a larger towel would work great as well.

When meeting you at the airport, the puppy will be given minimal food and water before meeting so that the chance of a mess will be less. You can give small amounts of food (we will bring a Ziploc bag of food) and drop an ice cube in the carrier to let them have a little hydration.

Car Pick-Up/Trip Packing List

Recommended items for a puppy that is being picked up or going on a long car ride:

  • Crate or dog seatbelt for the ride

  • Small baggie of food

  • Food and water bowls

  • Toys (just a few)

  • A few bottles of water for portability

  • Collar and leash

  • Treats (not too many in the car though, don’t want him/her to get sick ;)

  • Stack of puppy pads – line bottom of crate or tote with pads, that way if there is a mess, it is easily disposed of

  • Children’s Dramamine

  • Clorox or Lysol wipes – in case of a mess in the car

  • Paper towels – again, for a mess – you can’t be too prepared!

  • Plastic store bags – for easy disposal

  • Small bottle of “Nature’s Miracle” – helps get smells out if there is an accident

  • Baby Wipes – to clean puppy in case of a mess

  • Towel to put on your lap to hold the puppy on