Items Toxic To Dogs


As dog owners, it is important to be aware of things that are toxic to our pets. Just as you would child proof your home to keep children safe, the home and yard should also be puppy proof so that pets can live a long and happy life. Emergencies regarding ingestion of something toxic are common among dog owners because they do not realize all of the different things that are toxic to their furbabies.

Dangerous Foods

Food and drinks that are safe for humans are not always safe for their furry puppy friends.

Here is a list of things that are known to be highly toxic to dogs:

🚫 Alcoholic drinks and food that contains alcohol


🚫Caffeine in any form


🚫Fatty foods


🚫Grapes and raisins

🚫Macadamia nuts


🚫Medicine that has not been prescribed for your pet by a licensed veterinarian (people meds and other pet meds)



🚫Tobacco products 

🚫Xylitol (a sweetener found in products such as some sugar-free chewing gum, sugar-free candy, cough syrup, mouthwash, and toothpaste)

🚫Yeast products (bread and bread dough, etc)

Some foods are not toxic themselves but can create a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. Avocado and stone fruit pits, corn cobs, and bones can get stuck in the esophagus, stomach, or intestines of your pet. The pits inside fruit such as cherries, nectarines, peaches and plums contain cyanide, so that is a danger in addition to GI blockages that those items hold.

It is also important to remember that food bags, such as from snacks and chips can be dangerous because the bag can become lodged and stuck over the snout of an animal and he/she may suffocate. This is never a laughing matter; many pets have died this way.

Inedible Dangers

Some things that are around many homes also pose danger to our pets.

Examples of these items are listed below:


☠️Cocoa mulch

☠️Fabric softener sheets

☠️Ice melting products

☠️Insecticides and pesticides (even flea and tick products for dogs can be dangerous, or possibly life-threatening, if used on cats or other animals)

☠️Lawn fertilizers and weed killers

☠️Liquid potpourri


☠️Paints and solvents

☠️Rat and mouse bait

☠️Various household cleaners (including bleach and toilet bowl cleaners)

☠️Swimming pool chemicals

☠️Salt dough Christmas tree ornaments and play dough

Outside Dangers

Most dogs love to be outside, especially in beautiful weather. Always know what is growing in your yard! If walking the dog, pay attention to what he/she is eating or getting into along the route.

Some dangerous plants are listed below:

❌Almond, apricot, cherry, nectarine, peach, and plum trees and shrubs

❌Aloe Vera


❌Caster Bean



❌Corn Plant


❌Daylily and True Lily


❌English Ivy


❌Gloriosa Lily

❌Golden Pothos


❌Hyacinth and Tulip (especially the bulbs)




❌Mother-in-Law Tongue

❌Mountain Laurel

❌Narcissus, Daffodil, Paperwhite, and Jonquil


❌Peace Lily



❌Rhododendron and Azalea

❌Rosary Pea

❌Sago Palm


❌Stinging Nettle

❌Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Plant

❌Yew Bush

How toxic are these items?

Not all pets will react the same to these dangers. Some may be fine, but others will not be able to sustain life after ingesting them. It varies due to the following factors:

  • The breed of dog that ate the item

  • The size of the pet

  • The amount ingested

  • In the case of plants, the part of the plant that was ingested

What do I do if my Dog has Eaten Something Toxic?

If your pet has ingested one of these items, do not wait for symptoms of poisoning to occur. Contact your veterinarian for immediate advice and care.

Important Numbers to Keep Handy

Pet Poison Helpline 📞 855-764-7661

ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center 📞 888-426-4435