Midwoof Diaries: Slice of the Breeding Life (5)

Slice of the Breeding Life

We've been pretty quiet this week and it's because we've been deep in the trenches with our litter from Raven (The Goonies). Sweet puppy boy #8 aspirated while he was in the birth canal for 8 hours and we lost him...there was nothing we could do. Add this to our tiny chocolate girl from the same litter who was a little premature. She was born without the sucking instinct, and couldn't eat efficiently. She was born at 6.8 oz, got down to 5.1 oz. She's now back up to 8.1 oz, but still so tiny it could go either way. We supplement her nursing currently until she can eat enough to grow on her own. She's a feisty little one, so we are trying hard to help her succeed at life.

Phoebe's litter is doing great! Sugar is growing and up to 13.4 oz. The rest are above a pound each.


Midwoof Diaries: Slice of the Breeding Life (6)


Midwoof Diaries: Slice of the Breeding Life (4)